How to give your home heating system a pre-winter health-check
7th December 2023

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4th September 2023
In today’s highly advanced and technology-driven world, the importance of programmers for boilers often goes unnoticed. The unsung hero behind the scenes of many a happy home. Whether you’re a technical wizard, or a self-confessed luddite, boiler programmers are most definitely for you. Here’s why.
As the new school year kicks off, colder weather looms threateningly on the horizon. While it brings with it the promise of festive fun to come, it also carries added concerns over more costly heating bills. In the winter months, when every penny counts, your boiler’s programmer comes into its own. With the ability to adjust output based on real-time events; such as, temperature, demand and pressure, programmers ensure your boiler runs at optimum efficiency. This reduces your energy consumption and therefore also lessens your energy bills. Win, win.
As you’re going about your daily life, it’s likely that your boiler functionality is the last thing on your mind, and rightly so. While our boilers are operating correctly, they take up very little headspace. Boiler breakdowns, however, are another kettle of fish. Suddenly your boiler is all you can think about.
So, if you had a system in place to actively monitor the health of your boiler and alert you to possible problems before they become major issues, that’d be a good thing, right? Great news, your boiler programmer can do just that; predicting when an issue is likely to occur, allowing you time to call in the A-Team. Psst…that’s us by the way.
In today’s environmentally conscious world, energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact are top priorities, and rightly so. Programmers can optimise boiler systems to burn fuel more efficiently, minimizing waste and emissions. This can lead to a reduction in your home’s carbon footprint and mean you’re helping to pave the way to a greener and more sustainable future.
The modern home is starting to resemble something that most of us could only dream about as children. Boiler programmers are at the forefront of this digital transformation, integrating boilers with these technologies to provide real-time data insights and allow you to control your home heating at the click of a button. Using your boiler programmer, you can pop your hot water on from the top of mount Snowdon, if so desired – meaning you have a lovely hot shower waiting for you when you get home.
Every home is unique, requiring something different from a home boiler. The beauty of the boiler programmer is that you can customise your home heating experience to exactly suit your needs and those of your family; adapting and changing the settings to reflect your changing demand.
Driving improvements in efficiency, cost savings, sustainability and practicality, your boiler programmer is capable of much more than you’re probably using it for. Working away behind the scenes, it’s fast becoming a vital component in every home. If you have any questions about boiler programmers, or would like to find out more about having one installed, please get in touch with one of our friendly team.
Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today
7th December 2023
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