Boiler cover vs. home warranty: understanding the difference
13th July 2023

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16th January 2024
As Brits, we think of ourselves as a pretty hardy bunch, and largely good at coping with cold and dreary weather. But the recent cold snap has seen even the toughest amongst us whack the heating up to full-blast. With the price cap removal happening this month, this undoubtedly places a huge strain on household finances. It feels like a hopeless situation but rest assured, there are some ways you can cut back on your energy outgoings, even in the coldest of weather.
Yes, we do bang on about these but they’re worth every penny. By investing in a programmable thermostat to regulate indoor temperatures efficiently, you save considerable wasted energy heating rooms up above a comfortable temperature, as well as heating your home when there’s no one there. If you set your thermostat to produce lower temperatures when the house is empty, or at night when everyone is asleep, it can make a big difference.
Much of the UK’s housing stock pre-dates The Beatles and as such, it can be forgiven for having a few chinks in its armour here and there. Finding these areas and sealing any draughts or air leaks, often found around windows, doors, and other openings, will better insulate your home and prevent warm air escaping.
While we are on the subject of older homes, sadly many of them lack proper insulation, which is crucial for retaining heat. Houses lose heat especially from walls and areas like the attic. By insulating where you can, you could save a considerable sum in wasted heat.
This is probably where we come in. Scheduling regular maintenance for your heating system, especially your boiler, is one of the best ways to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. So give us a shout.
Focus heating efforts on the rooms that are in use, rather than trying to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the entire house.
If we had a quid for every time Dad said “put a jumper on then”, in response to the “I’m cold” whine… In fairness to Dad, he was absolutely right. One great way to stay warmer and save cash on heating bills is to wear warm clothing indoors.
Ever noticed that the kitchen feels like a furnace when compared to the rest of the house? There’s a simple answer to that riddle: the oven has been on, creating lots of lovely warmth to enjoy in that room. So capitalise on that, spend a little longer chatting over dinner and enjoying family time, instead of everyone disappearing to their rooms.
By implementing these strategies, you won’t save thousands but every penny counts, right? By making sure your home heating runs more efficiently, you also reduce the strain on your boiler, making it less likely to break down; win, win. If you want to find out more about some great cash saving tips, including ways to protect your boiler and heating system, get in touch with our friendly team.
Need help with your boiler or heating system? Contact us today
13th July 2023
22nd May 2024
2nd January 2024